Shenzhen Teejoin Technology Co.,Ltd

Verdens prosessanlegg

Vi setter en enorm stolthet i å være en førsteklasses og toppklasse Hårskjønnhetsprodusent som kommer fra det pulserende landet Kina. Med et firma

forpliktelse til fortreffelighet og en urokkelig dedikasjon til å levere intet mindre enn høyeste kvalitet, vi har skåret en nisje

for oss selv i bransjen. Vårt omfattende repertoar av tilbud omfatter en rekke banebrytende produkter som inkluderer hår

tørketromler, rettetang, trådløse hårfønere, høyhastighets hårfønere, bærbare rettetang, høyhastighets krølltang og mer.

High Speed Hair Dryers (27).jpg

I hjertet av vår virksomhet ligger en nådeløs jakt på perfeksjon. Som et bevis på vårt engasjement presenterer vi en linje med høyhastighets

hårfønere og høyhastighets krølltang som imøtekommer den globale etterspørselen etter tilpasning og grossistløsninger. Et kjennetegn på vår

Noto Sans

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Helvetica Neue



Noto Sans

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Helvetica Neue

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Hair Dryer  Company (1).jpg

Helvetica Neue

Helvetica Neue

Helvetica Neue



In conclusion, our narrative is one of excellence, innovation, and customer-centricity. With an array of top-notch products spanning

hair dryers to curling irons, a robust and cutting-edge production infrastructure, and an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction,

we are primed to redefine the Hair Beauty landscape. We invite the global community to embark on this journey with us, where ideas

are nurtured, possibilities are endless, and quality reigns supreme.


In conclusion, our narrative is one of excellence, innovation, and customer-centricity. With an array of top-notch products spanning hair dryers

to curling irons, a robust and cutting-edge production infrastructure, and an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, we are primed to

redefine the Hair Beauty landscape. We invite the global community to embark on this journey with us, where ideas are nurtured, possibilities

are endless, and quality reigns supreme.


Teejoin Smart Technology is a group enterprise specializing in R&D, production and sales of products in the field of smart life. It holds

Guangdong Aurora Solar Technology Co., Ltd and Shenzhen Huayun Technology Co., Ltd.,

and has multiple R&D and production bases in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Jieyang and other places;

the company Committed to research and development in the field of IOT for 10 years, it has built a multi-dimensional and multi-scenario

smart life service system such as smart home smart community, smart hotel, smart office, smart parking, green energy, etc., which can provide

customers with services from consulting, design, research and development , production (OEM), production and sales to engineering implementation of a full

range of solutions.


Tel: +0755-2377-1505E-


Address: 401,4/F, wan yelong Industrial Park, Tangtou, Bao'an District, shenzhen, China

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